It's become a busy old ten days! Using a high-tech Ecomask fabric from France, I have set up a side-line in mask making and it's been a bit manic. Within about 24 hours, I got orders amounting to more than 50 masks, with another 25 having come in since. I'm not pushing this much just yet, as I've a lot to make and they take longer than I had hoped but I'm very grateful for it. Unfortunately I'm not one of the lucky ones to be eligible for a government bail-out, due to my freelancing for less than a year, so I've got to find other ways and this is helping take the sting out a little. The kids go back to school next week and naturally I'm apprehensive, but I'm also hankering for the time I'll have to concentrate on work without a small child's needs constantly being vocalised.
Anyway, got to run, I've a ton of masks to make!
Listening to: Marvin Gaye, What's Going On album (can you believe it's 50 years old this week coming?!)